学研災付帯 海外留学保険(付帯海学)

→English ver.

本学では、本学の研究教育活動の一環として実施される学外研究活動等に参加する海外派遣学生に対し、海外旅行保険の加入を義務付けています。該当する海外派遣学生は、原則全員「学研災付帯型 海外留学保険(付帯海学)」へ加入してください。


◆ 補償内容と保険料金は全学教育システム「シリウス」にログインし、掲示板の【全学】から取得してください。

渡航目的および渡航時期によりURLが複数ありますので、ご注意ください。 尚、 fax、eメールでの申込みはご遠慮ください。

渡航日程に変更が生じた場合には、速やかにイーコールズ(株)に連絡を取り、海外旅行保険の変更手続きをしてください。 特に渡航日程が延期になった場合は、保険開始日(当初出発日)の前日までに海外旅行保険の解約手続きをしてください。 保険開始日前に解約手続きをしない場合は中途解約扱いになり、経過部分(月単位)の保険料金は返金されません。ご注意ください。




◆ 2025年5月31日までに出発の方はこちら
1. 教育活動: https://eform.e-calls.co.jp/z2cf5
2. 研究活動: https://eform.e-calls.co.jp/y4ucn


※渡航目的について不明な場合は国際交流室宛てにご相談ください。 Kokusai*cc.tuat.ac.jp (*を@に変更)




イーコールズ株式会社 カスタマーセンター
TEL:03-5614-0696 FAX:03-5614-0979
E-Mail:kanyu*e-calls.co.jp (*を@に変更)


Travel Insurance “FutaiKaigaku”

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (“TUAT”) students who are travelling overseas for the purpose of international study/research as part of the activities at TUAT, are required to join the overseas travel insurance. All TUAT students travelling overseas for the purpose of international study/research must join the “Futai Kaigaku” insurance.

“Futai Kaigaku” is a comprehensive overseas travel insurance joined by over 285 universities under Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (“JEES”) and those who join will benefit insurance premiums at below 2/3 of the market level for the similar liability coverages. The insurance premium and liability coverage are reviewed annually in June to reflect the past insurance performance. For overseas travel on/after June 1, 2019, extended coverages for medical treatment cost and rescuer cost (unlimited) will be applied.

◆ For the coverage details  and insurance fee, please log in to the SIRIUS (University Education System)and select  "掲示板"(けいじばん).

There will be separate URLs according to your travel purpose and departure date. Please do not apply by fax or e-mail but apply through the URL.

Please complete the insurance application in advance, at least 3 weeks before your departure. After the application process is completed, the insurance agency E-CALLS Inc. will mail you the overseas travel insurance certificate and overseas travel insurance handbook to your home address. You must bring them with you while going abroad.

If there is any change to your travel dates, contact E-CALLS Inc. immediately, and proceed with the change of your overseas travel insurance. Especially in the case of extending your travel period, cancellation procedure of your overseas travel insurance must be completed by one day before your insurance effective date (initial departure date) begins. If this cancellation procedure is not completed before your insurance effective date, this will be treated as a midway cancellation, and the paid insurance premiums for the progressed period (monthly basis) will not be refunded. Please be careful.

For inquiries on insurance procedures or coverages, please contact Customer Center at E-CALLS Inc., the insurance agency.

Eligibility to join this overseas travel insurance is TUAT students who have joined Personal Accident Insurance for Students (“GAKKENSAI”). Teaching/administrative staff are not eligible to join.

Application Procedure

Please access appropriate URL below and complete the travel insurance procedure 3 weeks before your departure. For the password, please log in to  SIRIUS System and select "掲示板".

◆ For departures before May 31, 2025
1. Education: https://eform.e-calls.co.jp/s62tv
2. Research: https://eform.e-calls.co.jp/i54nj

★Education = to take part in activities such as conferences and overseas educational programs planned by TUAT.
★Research = to take part in research activities such as field survey, experiments at partner institutions.

※For inquiries regarding the travel purpose, please contact International Affairs Office at kokusai*cc.tuat.ac.jp (change * for @)

If you plan on overseas travel/study, please be sure to submit the following documents in advance to the Educational Affairs Section of your affiliated department with your "留学願(Study Abroad Request)" or “海外渡航届(Overseas Travel Notification)”.




<For any inquiries about the insurance and the application, please contact>

E-CALLS Inc. Customer Center
E-Mail:kanyu*e-calls.co.jp (change * for @)
