About the Schedule of Online Education for the First Term

April 10, 2020


About the Schedule of Online Education for the First Term


To: All Students of the Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering
From: Dean, Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering


In line with the spread of new coronavirus infections, the Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering will open online lectures for the first term in principle as follows.

The link from this page is almost written in Japanese. For more information, contact your supervisor, class teacher, education board member of your department, or student mentor.

[Preparation Period] April 3 (Fri.) -

(1)? For new students, we distributed email address in information orientation packets and provided guidance on how to connect to Google Classroom. We sent the necessary materials by registered mail. If they are returned due to your absence, we will contact you again.
(2)? If you have not answered the network environment survey for students, please answer.
Answer deadline: April 15 (Wed.), 2020
(3)? Click here to see the list of “Courses", "Instructors", "Google Classroom Code", "Online Course Dates", etc. for each department, which is equivalent to the timetable for online lectures.?
(4)? The above (2) and (3) are also underway for students in the 2nd year and above who are undergraduate students and those who are in the 2nd year and above in the graduate school who have a means of communication.?
(5)? Please help us to improve your network environment at home.?

Academic calendar: /documents/tuat/campuslife_career/campuslife/gakunenreki/2020gakunenrekiEng.pdf

[Online Education Preparation / Trial Period] April 13 (Mon.) to May 8 (Fri.)

(1)? Online education preparation and trial period by instructors and internet environment improvement period by students. However, please be aware that courses that can start online education will be conducted in advance during this period.?
(2)? Prior to the online lectures, we will present tasks for classes from April 13 (Mon.) to May 8 (Fri.) via email or Google Classroom, so please study hard at home.?
(3)? Textbooks and reference books are sold by the TUAT CO-OP (Univ. co-operative) Bookstore. Please complete the textbook order form (password-protected excel file). Then, as an attachment to an e-mail, send it to the designated e-mail address. TUAT will take on the postage charges this time, and send the textbooks, etc. to your designated address by courier (home delivery service) as soon as they are ready. (Textbook fees will be collected by cash-on-delivery only) You will require a password when editing[u1]? the textbook order form. Here is your password for the textbook order form. (Use your TUAT Google Account to sign in to view the password)
For details, please refer to the following web page.

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Community Cooperative Homepage: https://www.univcoop.jp/tuat/index.html

[Online Education Starts] May 11 (Mon.) -

(1)? In the academic year 2020, assuming a minimum of 45 hours of study time per unit and submission of assignments done in April, at least 10 or more lectures will be held, and the number of classes will vary depending on the lecture.?
(2)? Basically, classes are held until the adjustment period at the end of the first term, but classes may be held on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.?
(3)? To access the online lectures for the courses offered, use the class code shown in the online timetable and, in principle, enter the Google Classroom with your email address issued by the university. Then, please access the specified time. We will inform you when the online timetable is ready. Also, please see the WEB bulletin board and syllabi as needed. There are three types of lectures, "streaming type", "video delivery type", and "file type with audio", depending on the course offered.?
(4)? You may be requested to submit your answers by the end of the lecture. Instructors will ask you questions that confirm your understanding by chat, a quiz and so on within on-line lectures.?
(5)? Instructors will also accept questions during the time specified on the timetable. Ask questions in real time using Google Classroom.?
(6)? If it is judged that the spread of infection has reached the “Phase 5 (decline)” after June 1, we may resume to in-person lectures.?

WEB Bulletin Board: http://t-board.office.tuat.ac.jp/T/menu.php#Boar

Syllabus / Schedule: /campuslife_career/campuslife/course/syllabus/

[Course Registration Period] June 1 (Mon.) - June 12 (Fri.), 2020

Even if you have registered for an online lecture, you will not be eligible for credits unless you register for the course via the SPICA system. Please be sure to register properly for courses.

Course Registration Period? June 1 (Mon.) to June 12 (Fri.), 2020?
Registration Confirmation Period? June 16 (Tue.) to June 18 (Thu.), 2020?



Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering, TUAT
Student Support Office, Koganei

Email address: tkyomu1(symbol @)cc.tuat.ac.jp
