【重要】新型インフルエンザについて(【Important Notice】The new type influenza)(9月8日)


【Important Notice】The new type





1.ご家族など同居されている方が感染した場合は、当該感染された方の診断後 7日間は、自身(学生?教職員)に次の症状がないかを必ず確認のうえ、症状 がある場合は(3)、(4)のとおり対応ください。
(3)上記(1)及び(2)の症状がある場合は大学への登校は自粛し、居住地の保健所?新型インフルエンザ相談センターへ電話で相談 してください。なお、大学にいる際に症状を感じた場合は、本学保健管理センター(府中地区又は小金井地区)に電話で相談 をしてください。


また、各サークルの所属メンバーで、38℃以上の発熱、鼻汁もしくは鼻閉、喉の痛み及び咳といったインフルエンザの症状を訴える者が発生した場合は、直ちに活動を自粛 して必ず保健所に相談してください。(大学で活動中に症状が発症したときは、本学保健管理センターに電話で相談すること。)
なお、各サークルで感染者が発生した場合は、 対策本部から活動停止 を要請することがありますのでご承知おき願います。


?体球网,足球即时比分ホームページ http://www.tuat.ac.jp

○農学府?農学部の学生 042-367-5579<学生?????????学生係>
○BASEの学生 042-388-7217<BASE学務係>
○連合農学研究科の学生 042-367-5670<学生係>

○体球网,足球即时比分府中地区保健管理センター 042-367-5548
○体球网,足球即时比分小金井地区保健管理センター分室 042-388-7171


August 24, 2009 H1N1 Influenza Countermeasures Headquarters
To: All TUAT Students and Staff

Action against the New Influenza Virus
Recently the conditions of the new influenza (A/H1N1) infection have become more serious, with deaths occurred in Kobe. The Minister of Health, Labor, and Welfare issued a statement saying, “Japan is now gripped by a new flu epidemic.” The disease continues to spread in schools, which generally can be places where the virus spreads easily but are now closed for summer vacation. The virus could spread further after schools reopen in September.
TUAT is no exception. Because the cases of the infection both in clubs and individuals have been reported, TUAT has established the H1N1 Influenza Countermeasures Headquarters.
To prevent the spread of the new influenza virus in the future, we hope you will take the following precautions. The H1N1 Influenza Countermeasures Headquarters has prepared the H1N1 Influenza Countermeasures Manual. Please take action against the new influenza virus based on this manual.

H1N1 Influenza Countermeasures Manual (Excerpt)

1. Practice washing your hands frequently and well, keeping things sanitary, gargling, and taking your temperature if you feel sick.

2. If you develop a fever of 38?C or more and such symptoms as a runny/stuffy nose, sore throat, or cough, please take the following action:

(1) Please refrain from coming to school.

(2) Please consult a local public health center or the H1N1 Flu Consultation Center.
(The risk of developing a serious case is particularly high for those who have underlying chronic diseases or who are pregnant. Please bear in mind the importance of early medical treatment.)

(3) Please wear a mask, refrain from going out, and practice “cough etiquette” (cover your month with a tissue).

3. If you develop symptoms described in No. 2.above on your way to the university, please call the TUAT Health Service Center (Fuchu or Koganei Campus).

4. If you are diagnosed with influenza (A /H1N1) or Type A influenza, please take the following action:

(1) Do not step out and stay at home. Please do not come to the university until you recover.

(2) Please be sure to call the university.
Please report, by telephone, the date and the place the disease started, the date you had a medical examination, the date you last attended the university, what you did after being infected, and your symptoms to; Student Support Center of your Faculty/Graduate school if you are a student, the General Affairs Team of your division if you are a staff member, Human Resources Team if you are part of the Administration Headquarters).

Note: TUAT strives to maintain infection information on how the disease was spread and report it to relevant institutions according to the government policy, Cluster Surveillance. Cluster Surveillance does not mean that the public health center traces information on all patients concerning the spread of the disease; it means that the center traces information with a focus on those affiliated with groups where there is a possibility of a large-scale epidemic. To be specific, this applies if thespread of the disease occurs in two or more people in a group (such as university department, major, club or class) within seven days. Please report your case to the university because the group must be specified and the infected people must be surveyed to prevent the further spread of the disease.

5. Furthermore, when a club conducts regular activities, members should be careful and practice washing hands, keeping things sanitary, and gargling. Especially when participating in competitions or conventions, members should particularly be careful and take these actions to prevent the spread of disease. In addition, if a member of a club develops symptoms described in No. 2 above, he/she should refrain from participating in activities and consult a public health center. (If symptoms developat the university during a group activity, please consult the TUAT Health Service Center.)

6. Because certain classes may be cancelled or the university may be closed if the disease spreads in the future (particularly in or after October, when the second semester begins), please check the university’s web site.
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT) web site: www.tuat.ac.jp

7. Who to Call

(1) Who to call if you have been diagnosed with influenza:
? If you are a student of the Graduate School or Faculty of Agriculture,
Tel: 042-367-5579 (Student Affairs Section, Student Support Center)
? If you are a student of the Graduate School or Faculty of Engineering or Graduate School of Technology Management,
Tel: 042-388-7011 (Student Affairs Section, Student Support Center)
? If you are a student of the Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering,
Tel: 042-388-7217 (Educational Affairs Section, Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering)
? If you are a student of the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science,
Tel: 042-367-5670 (Students Affairs Section)
Note: If you are a staff member, please contact the General Affairs Team of your division.

(2) Who to call if you develop symptoms while on campus:
? TUAT Fuchu Health Service Center, Tel: 042-367-5548
? TUAT Koganei Health Service Center Annex, Tel: 042-388-7171

8. The above information is included in the H1N1 Influenza Countermeasures Manual on the TUAT web site. Because there is a possibility that you may be infected, we hope you will take the time to read the manual.

