【重要】新型インフルエンザについて(【Important Notice】The new type influenza)








August 17, 2009

To: All students, Faculty and Staff Members
Re: Infection of New Type Influenza among TUAT Students

Emergency Task Force for New Type Influenza in TUAT

Recently, the group infection (more than 10 students) of the new type
influenza has been found among a student club of TUAT. To prevent from outbreak
and infection in the university, the emergency center recommends all students
and members to wash your hands carefully and gargle surely after getting to your
home and TUAT.
Wherever you are, if you feel something strange in yourself or have a symptom
like influenza such as fever, a cough, diarrhea, a sore throat and vomiting,
please take a clinic examination in a hospital. As a result of the examination,
if it is confirmed that you have influenza, give a call to the number below as
soon as possible.
The students' case of TUAT who took influenza, however, is not so serious. They
are instructed to devote themselves to recovering from the disease and to stop
any activities in the club for a while.

The Phone Numbers List of the Student Support Centers in TUAT
The Faculty of Agriculture: 042-367-5579
The Faculty of Technology and MOT: 042-388-7011
The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science: 042-367-5670
BASE: 042-388-7217

*If you are a faculty member of TUAT, please get in touch with the General
Affairs Section in your campus.
