Vice-President, Trustees and Auditors

This section offers information about our Trustees, Auditors, Vice-Presidents and Director General.


Trustee, Chief Operating/Financial/Human Resource Officer, Vice-President, MISAWA Kazuhiko

Academic background

March, 1992 Doctor's course, Graduated School, Division of Science, The University of Tokyo

Abridged Professional Experience

April, 1993 Research Associate, Graduated School, Division of Science, The University of Tokyo
April, 1999 Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo Unibersity of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2002 Assistant Professor, Graduate school of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
October, 2006 Professor, Graduate school of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Techonology
August, 2013 Senior Scientific Research Specialist, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Concurrent) ( ~July, 2013)
April, 2017 Dean, Institute of Engineering/Graduate school of Engineering/Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(~March, 2022)
April, 2022 Vice-President,Chief Academic Officer, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2023 Trustee for Special Mission,Vice-President, Chief Academic Officer, Vice-President for Education, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
May, 2023 Trustee for Special Mission,Vice-President, Chief Academic Officer, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2024 Trustee, Chief Operating/Financial/Human Resource Officer, Vice-President, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Trustee for General Affairs/Planning, NAGATA Masaru

Abridged Professional Experience

April, 2023 Trustee for Planning/Governance, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2024 Trustee for General Affairs/Planning, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Trustee for Governance, Vice-President, Chief Operating/Academic Officer, ARIE Tsutomu

Academic background

March, 1986 Master's course, Graduate School of Agriculture, University of Tokyo
March, 1989 Doctor (Agriculture), University of Tokyo

Abridged Professional Experience

June, 1989 RIKEN
April, 2000 Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2004 Associate Professor, Institute of Symbiotic Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2010 Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2015 Assistant to the President for Global Strategy Affairs,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (~March, 2019)
April, 2017 Director, Innovation Advancement Organization, Institute of Global Innovation Research, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(~June, 2019)
April, 2018 Director, Education and Research Center for Frontier Agricultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(~March, 2021)
April, 2019 Vice-President, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2019 Dean,Organization for the Advancement of Education and Global Learning, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
July, 2019 Director, Innovation Advancement Organization, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2020 Trustee for Education, Vice-President, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2022 Trustee for Planning/Human Resources,Vice-President, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2023 Trustee,Chief General Affairs/Financial Strategy Officer,Vice-President,?Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2024 Trustee for Governance, Vice-President, Chief Operating/Academic Officer,?Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Trustee for Corporate Management, WADA Yoshiaki

Academic background

July, 2014 Doctor's course, Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Abridged Professional Experience

April, 2021 Trustee for Project Development, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2023 Trustee for Corporate Management, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Trustee for Project Management, UEMURA Kimikazu

Academic background

1981 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, MEIJO University
1985 California Institute of the Arts

Abridged Professional Experience

April, 2022 Trustee for Financial Strategies, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2023 Trustee for Project Management, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology


Auditor, KAKUI Toshio

Abridged Professional Experience

September, 2020 Auditor,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Auditor, OHASHI Reiko

Abridged Professional Experience

September, 2020 Auditor,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology


Vice-President for Education, SHIMIZU Ikuko

Academic background

March, 1999 Doctor of Engineering, Doctor's course, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Abridged Professional Experience

April, 1999 Research Associate, Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
April, 2004 Senior Assistant Professor, Institute of Symbiotic Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2013 Associate Professor, Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
May, 2023 Vice-President for Education, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Professor, Institute of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Vice-President for Admissions and Diversity Promotion, TABUNOKI Hiroko

Academic background

March, 2005 Doctor's course, bio-applications and systems engineering, Graduate school of bio-applications and systems engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Abridged Professional Experience

April, 2004 Research fellowship for young scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(DC2)
April, 2005 Research fellowship for young scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(PD)
April, 2006 Research Associate, Meiji Pharmaceutical University
April,2007 Assistant Professor,Meiji Pharmaceutical University
April,2013 Senior Assistant Professor,Meiji Pharmaceutical University
May, 2013 Senior Assistant Professor, Women's Future Development Organization, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2016 Senior Assistant Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
November, 2018 Associate Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
January, 2020 Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(~March, 2022)
April, 2021 Assistant to the President, Director of Women's Future Development Organization, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(~March, 2022)
February, 2022 Vice-President, Director of Women's Future Development Organization, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology(~March, 2022)
April, 2022 Vice-President for Admissions and Diversity Promotion, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Vice-President for International Affairs, YOSHIDA Makoto

Academic background

March, 2005 Doctor's course, Department of Biomaterials Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Abridged Professional Experience

April, 2002 Research fellowship for young scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(DC1 :The University of Tokyo)
April, 2005 Postdoctoral fellow, National Food Research Institute
April, 2006 Research fellowship for young scientists, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(PD : Institute of Food Research, NARO)
November, 2006 Assistant Professor(Tenure-track), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2011 Associate Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2017 Professor, Institute of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
May, 2018 Exective Advisor to the Dean, Institute of Agricluture, Tokyo University of Agricluture and Technology
April, 2020 Vice-Dean, Institute of Global Innovation Research, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2022 Vice-President for International Affairs, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Vice-President for Industry-University Collaboration, NAGASAWA Kazuo

Academic background

March, 1993 Doctor's course, Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Waseda University

Abridged Professional Experience

April, 1992 Assistant Professor, Waseda University
April, 1993 Researcher, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
April, 1997 Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard Unversity
March, 1999 Researcher, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
January, 2001 Associate Professor, Institute of Molecular and Bioscieces, The University of Tokyo
April, 2004 Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2009 Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2022 Vice-President for Industry-University Collaboration, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Executive Advisor to the President

Executive Advisor to the President, FURUTA Hiroshi

Abridged Professional Experience

September,2023 ?Executive Advisor to the President,Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Director General

Director General, SUZUKI Atsushi

Abridged Professional Experience

December, 2004 Team Director, Research and Industry Alliance Support Team, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2008 Director, Office of Policy and Strategic Planning, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2012 Director, Policy and Strategic Planning Office, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
January, 2014 Vice Executive Director, Research and International Affairs Division, Director, Policy and Strategic Planning Office, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
October, 2015 General Manager, Koganei Administration Division, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2018 Executive Director, Educational Affairs Division, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2019 Deputy Director General, Vice-Trustee, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
April, 2021 Deputy Director General, General Affairs and Management/Planning Division, Vice-Trustee, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
January, 2023 Director General, Deputy Director General, General Affairs Division, Vice-Trustee, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
January, 2024 Director General, Vice-Trustee, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
