Faculty of Engineering/Graduate School of Engineering (formerly the Academic Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering and Graduate School of Technology Management)


Contact information and mailing address
Educational Affairs Section, Faculty of Engineering (Faculty of Engineering/Graduate School of Engineering [formerly the Academic Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering and Graduate School of Technology Management]), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo 184-8588
Tel: 042-388-7010
Fax: 042-388-7013
Email: tshomei(insert @ symbol here)cc.tuat.ac.jp

Issuing Certificates

Certificate Types/Number of Days Required for Issuance

The number of days required to issue a certificate after receiving your application varies, depending on circumstances, but generally follows the table below.

? Those enrolled from the 2000 academic year onward Those enrolled in the 1999 academic year or earlier
Certificate type English and Japanese Japanese English
Certificate of graduation (completion) 1–3 days 2–3 days 2–10 days
Transcript 1–3 days 2–3 days 2–10 days
Other 1–10 days 2–10 days 2–10 days

Notes: 1. The number of days needed to issue a certificate as noted above does not include Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, the summer break period (mid-August) or year-end/New Year’s holidays.
2. Certificates cannot be issued the same day, even if you apply in person.

Number of Certificates That Can Be Issued and Forwarding Locations

Up to ten certificates can be issued per application.
Be sure to include the purpose of use and addressee in your application.

Fees and Postage

Issuance fee is 500 yen per certificate.
If you wish to send your certificate by mail, you must also pay postage. (See “Reception Methods” below.)

Name Changes

If your name has changed since you graduated, completed your program or left school and you want to have your certificate issued in your current name, you will need to change/revise the school register.
When applying for certificates, please submit a notification of change of name affixed with your signature and seal as well as documents that confirm your name change (copy of the relevant extract from your family register issued within the last three months and either a copy of the notes section on the back of your driver’s license or a copy of the name change column in your pension book).
If you do not mind having the certificate issued in the name you held at the time of your graduation, etc., the above procedure is unnecessary. However, you are still asked to submit documentation that links your former and current names (such as a copy of the notes section on the back of your driver’s license, or the name change column in your pension book) to verify your identity.

You can download the notification of change of name form below.

How to Apply for Certificates

Graduates, etc. may apply for certificates concerning their time at TUAT in any of the following ways.
Note: Applications will not be accepted over the phone.

In Person Click here for details.
By mail: Click here for details.
By email or fax: Click here for details.

In Person


Educational Affairs Section, Administration Building 1F, Koganei Campus



Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and during the summer break (mid-August) and the year-end/New Year’s holidays.

How to Apply

Note: Certificates cannot be issued the same day.

Fill out and submit an application in person (applications are also available onsite).
You can download the application form below.

For information on how to obtain your certificate, please see “Reception Methods” below.

By Mail

How to Apply

Mail the following three items.

Mail to:
Certificate Clerk, Educational Affairs Section, Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo

(1) Certificate application form
You can download the application form below.

You do not need the application form as long as you provide the following information:

1. Full name (if requesting a certificate done in English, include your name written in alphabetic characters)

2. Date of birth

3. Department or program name

4. Month and year of graduation/program completion/leaving school

5. School register number (if you do not know your school register number, it may be omitted)

6. The certificate(s) required
  • Certificate title and number of copies in Japanese and English, respectively
  • Whether it needs to be sealed
    (If the certificate you are requesting has to be sealed, be sure to include how it should be sealed. Example: Sending a certificate of graduation and a transcript together in a single sealed envelope.)
  • Purpose
  • Addressee name(s) (please include as many addressees as the number of copies you are requesting)

7. Daytime contact (phone number or email address)

8. Whether you will be receiving your certificate(s) in person or by mail
(If you wish to receive your certificate(s) by mail, please see the “By Mail” section in “Reception Methods” below.)

(2) A copy of your official ID
(driver’s license, health insurance card, passport, etc.) 
Note: If you are requesting a certificate done in English, you must include a copy of your passport.

(3) A return envelope with the appropriate forwarding address and postage
(See “Reception Methods” below.)

By Email or Fax

How to Apply

Note: As a general rule, you should apply in person or by mail. Applications by email or fax will be accepted, however, if your need is urgent.

Send an email or fax that includes the following information:
Email: tshomei(insert @ symbol here)cc.tuat.ac.jp
Fax: 042-388-7013

1. Full name (if requesting a certificate done in English, include your name written in alphabetic characters)

2. Date of birth

3. Department or program name

4. Month and year of graduation/program completion/leaving school

5. School register number (if you do not know your school register number, it may be omitted)

6. The certificate(s) required
  • Certificate title and number of copies in Japanese and English, respectively
  • Whether it needs to be sealed
    (If the certificate you are requesting has to be sealed, be sure to include how it should be sealed. Example: Sending a certificate of graduation and a transcript together in a single sealed envelope.)
  • Purpose
  • Addressee name(s) (please include as many addressees as the number of copies you are requesting)

7. Daytime contact (phone number or email address)

8. Whether you will be receiving your certificate(s) in person or by mail
(If you wish to receive your certificate(s) by mail, please see the “By Mail” section in “Reception Methods” below.)

You can download the application form below. (If faxing)

For information on how to obtain your certificate, please see “Reception Methods” below.

Reception Methods

In Person

Bring your official ID (driver’s license, health insurance card, passport, etc.) on or after the date your certificate is to be issued.
Educational Affairs Section, Administration Building 1F, Koganei Campus
Weekdays, 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and during the summer break (mid-August) and the year-end/New Year’s holidays.

In-person reception by proxy
As a general rule, the person requesting the certificate must pick it up in person. If you send a proxy to pick up your certificate, however, he/she should bring the following items:
(1) A copy of your official ID
(2) The proxy’s own official ID
(3) A letter from you authorizing the proxy to pick up the certificate on your behalf (no specific format required)

By Mail

Mail the following items:
(1) A copy of your official ID
(2) A return envelope
Write the postal code, address and name of the person you want the certificate sent to and attach or include proper postage.

Postage Reference Table

Envelope size No. of copies Weight Postage
Standard (120 mm × 235 mm) 1–3 Up to 25 g ?82
4+ Up to 50g ?92
Nonstandard (A4) Up to 10 Up to 50g ?120
Up to 20 Up to 100g ?140
Up to 30 Up to 150g ?205
Express delivery charge Standard postage plus ?280
  • If you want to have your certificate sealed, please send a nonstandard (A4) size envelope.
  • Transcripts may be two or more pages.
  • Please be sure to provide an envelope and postage in excess of the bare minimum needed to ensure proper delivery.
    (If you are not sure, more is better. Any excess, unused stamps will be sent back in the return envelope with the certificate.)
  • If your certificate is being mailed outside Japan, please include sufficient postage in Japanese stamps or an international reply-paid coupon.
    Also be sure to note the address you would like the certificate mailed to.
