Everyday Situations and Issues

Information about everyday situations and issues.

Stay Away from Illegal Drugs!

We have been using posters and other means to warn people about illegal drugs. Unfortunately that has not stopped illegal-drug crimes, particularly marijuana-related crimes committed by students.
If you take these warnings lightly and take illegal drugs out of curiosity thinking that trying something once won’t do any harm, you may have to deal with the consequences of completely derailing your own life.
There are temptations all around us. That is why it is vital for you to renew your resolve to firmly reject illegal drugs.

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Attend School Using Public Transportation, Etc.

Only cars and motorcycles with special permits may be driven onto campus. If you come to school by bicycle, be sure to park your bike in a designated location. Since October 2005, bicycles used on the Koganei Campus must be registered. You must also follow a predetermined procedure even for one-time use of a bicycle.

Don’t Drink Too Much!

At freshmen welcome parties, the school festival and other events, people sometimes drink too much alcohol, pass out and have to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. About 40 percent of Japanese people reportedly have a low tolerance for drinking alcohol. You must not pressure others into drinking.

Don’t Be a Victim of Theft!

Be sure to keep cash and valuables on your person. If you are the victim of a theft, notify the Student Support Section of the Student Support Centers. If your ATM card is stolen, be sure to contact the financial institution that issued the card as quickly as possible.

Lost Items

If you lose something or find something that someone else lost, go to the Student Support Section of the Student Support Centers.

Practice Fire Safety

Always take fire safety into consideration. If you have to use a flame on campus, be aware of your environment. Also beware of short circuits and the like in electrical devices.

Beware of Consumer Loans and Credit Cards

The application process for a consumer loan is simple, so many people start off borrowing a very small amount of money. Then they end up taking out more and more consumer loans because of difficulty meeting repayment due dates, high interest, and the like. Be sure to use a credit card only if you have a solid repayment plan. Large debts aren’t just a threat to your own student life; they can also undermine the lives of your entire family.

Avoiding Scams

Many scams target students. In addition to the scams listed below, there are devious new scams being developed, so it’s essential to be on your guard.
Online Scams
These types of scams include charging a usage fee just for opening an e-mail sent to a cell phone or PC and charging a high fee for access to a site that appeared to be free.
Scams Involving Pressure Sales
In this type of scam, you may be asked to participate in a survey on the street and then taken to a store where you are pressured to buy expensive makeup or the like.
Bank Transfer Scams
In this type of scam, the scammer may pretend to be the victim’s child or grandchild and defraud the victim under the pretense of, for example, needing money to pay for a traffic accident involving the family or repayment of a loan. Do not transfer money right away. Instead, check with your family members to make sure you know what is going on.
Scams Targeting Student Jobseekers
In this type of scam, students are forced to sign a contract for a service—such as an English conversation class or recruitment course—that is supposed to aid them in job hunting. For details, go to the webpage of the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan, and read the information warning students about aggressive soliciting of English conversation classes, recruitment courses and other services.

On the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan website (link opens a new window), you can find information about consumer consultation desks, examples of issues that consumers have asked for help with, and other information. We encourage you to visit the site and use the resources it offers.

Participating in the National Pension Plan

The National Pension system provides intergenerational support throughout society. Residents of Japan are legally required to participate in and contribute to the National Pension. Students of this school must also enroll in the National Pension system when they turn twenty years old. You can enroll in the National Pension system at the national pension desk at the municipality where you are registered as a resident. There is a special pension payment exemption for students with no income. For details, please contact the office of the municipality where you are registered as a resident.

On the Japan Pension Service website, see the Special Payment System for Students page (link opens a new window).

Protection of Personal Information

The Act on the Protection of Personal Information was enacted in April 2005 to protect the rights and interests of individuals while acknowledging the usefulness of personal information.
Be careful when handling your own information as well as that of your family, friends and others.
