[Announcement] TUAT Group Vaccination – Koganei Campus

TUAT COVID-19 Response Headquarter
August 27, 2021

?As announced in the Friday, August 13 and Monday, August 23 e-mails (these e-mails were sent to e-mail addresses ending with “@st.go.tuat.ac.jp" that were given to each student), we began accepting reservations for COVID-19 vaccinations at TUAT - Koganei Campus from Friday, August 20.
?If you are a student who would like to be vaccinated, we strongly recommend that you consider taking advantage of this opportunity.
?For details on the vaccination schedule and how to make an appointment, please check the e-mails sent out on Friday, August 13 and Monday, August 23.

?From Thursday, August 26, we have also started accepting vaccine reservations for the following people: all family members who are living in the same household as a TUAT student. We announced this to TUAT students on Thursday, August 26 via e-mail (this e-mail was sent to e-mail addresses ending with “@st.go.tuat.ac.jp" that were given to each student).

?We ask for your understanding that the number of vaccines allocated to TUAT is limited; therefore, there may be cases that we are unable to meet every reservation request.

※ Vaccination in your municipality
For the vaccination implementation status of the local government of your residential area, please check to the following link.

※ Vaccination in national government’s large-scales sites
For the vaccination implementation status of national government’s large-scale vaccinations, please check to the following link (in Japanese only).

Environmental Safety and Management Office
kananjim(insert @ here)cc.tuat.ac.jp
