Notice (Measures to Be Taken for Students) [Apr-9]


April 9, 2021

To all students

TUAT COVID-19 Response Headquarter

TUAT Measures in Response to a New “Quasi-Emergency” State for COVID-19

?The Japanese government has decided to apply new quasi-emergency measures to Tokyo Metropolis (23 special wards, Fuchu city and some other cities in Tokyo), etc. in response to COVID-19 from April 12 to May 11. The infection spread is still ongoing and it will take several months before vaccines become available for most residents of Japan. Since April, we have been holding face-to-face lectures whenever possible at TUAT. To create an environment where lectures and research - the top priority of universities - can be conducted, we ask all students to continue to cooperate in preventing the virus spread by raising awareness on “protecting yourself from infection and preventing infection transmission to others”. There are high risks for virus transmission even in areas not placed under the quasi-emergency state, so please cooperate in preventing the virus spread even if you reside outside the applicable areas.

  • At each campus, infection prevention measures are taken and we are working to create a safe environment for study and research, where the students and researchers can pursue their study and research without much concern about the infection transmission, etc. Please cooperate in wearing masks, cleaning your hands and disinfecting your desks with alcohol, etc.
  • As we will be frequently posting up-to-date information on how the lectures or events, etc. will be held at TUAT, please check the Google Classroom, Web Bulletin Board for students and TUAT website, etc.
  • Laboratory activities can be carried out after thorough infection prevention measures are taken. However, please ensure to follow the policies of the Faculty/Graduate School you belong to.
  • Take actions in your daily life to prevent the virus spread such as by taking care of your physical condition, hand washing and wearing masks. If you feel unwell, please consult a doctor, etc., and do not attend university nor go outside the house/residence.
  • Please refrain from going out unless absolutely necessary and cooperate in preventing the spread of the virus. In particular, refrain from travelling across prefectures.
  • About extra-curricular activities, please comply with “緊急事態宣言の解除に伴うサークル活動の再開について (Resuming of extra-curricular activities due to lifting of the state of emergency)” revised on March 19, 2021; and “Student Life from New Quarter (April) and Onward Considering the COVID-19 Spread” revised on April 9, 2021. If it is necessary to organize a welcoming event or rush party for freshmen, please hold a related event ONLINE.
  • Please take great care and attention not to contract the virus from off-campus activities (including part-time jobs and volunteer activities).
  • Refrain from gathering to eat or drink with others regardless of whether they belong to TUAT or not; OR whether it is in a restaurant or in someone’s private house/residence, etc. In addition, please refrain from such social gatherings that accompany eating or drinking at various events or meetings which often are held around the beginning of a new fiscal year.
  • Please try to refrain from going on business trips even inside Japan. Overseas business trips, etc. will not be approved for the time being.
  • If you are confirmed with COVID-19, taken a PCR test or identified as a Close Contact to a COVID-19 positive individual, immediately report it to the University, etc. according to this Self-Quarantine Guide.
  • Please pay close attention to the information and guidelines from the national and local governments and act according to the information, etc. provided by them.
  • We will make a new announcement if there is any change to the current status such as the government re-declares the state of emergency.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Student Support Office, etc. of the Faculty or Graduate School you belong to.


Please contact the administration office of your affiliation for inquiries regarding this notice.

For Faculty of Agriculture / Graduate School of Agriculture students:
Fuchu Campus Student Support Office
TEL:042-367-5662 (From overseas) +81-42-367-5662
E-mail:akyomu1(input @ here)

For United Graduate School of Agricultural Science students:
United Graduate School of Agricultural Science Student Affairs Section
TEL:042-367-5670 (From overseas) +81-42-367-5670
E-mail:rennougk(input @ here)

For Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Engineering students:
Koganei Campus Student Support Office
TEL:042-388-7010 (From overseas) +81-42-388-7010
E-mail:tkyomu1(input @ here)

For Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering (BASE) students:
Koganei Campus Students Support Office
TEL:042-388-7173 (From overseas) +81-42-388-7173
E-mail:gaklead1(input @ here)
